How to get better at MARVEL Strike Force?


In MARVEL Strike Force - RPG, you will be facing several iconic Marvel villains under the guise of playing as your favorite team of superheroes. The game features action-packed gameplay with stunning visuals that make it look better than ever.


How to get better at MARVEL Strike Force – Squad RPG


You can Assemble your squad from a squadron of powerful MARVEL Superheroes and even Villains such as Iron Man, Loki, Dr. Strange, Spider-Man, and more. You can evolve your characters by upgrading their outfit and customizing them as well.


The game involves many strategies and is generally considered quite a tactical game with a lot of action-packed gameplay. In this article, we will talk about tips and tricks that will help you get better at MARVEL Strike Force – Squad RPG.


Always get the New Player Bundle:


The Newcomer bundle is only available for a limited amount of time in the store. While it is paid, it provides numerous benefits to your gameplay and gives you a very high-powered character that lets you level up and get better at the game too quickly.


Moreover, other items you should look out for if you are in the mood of buying them are the New Player Orb Bundle and the level 10, 15 bundles. All of them cost about 1 – 2$, so they are not that expensive anyway.


How to Obtain new Characters:


How to get better at MARVEL Strike Force – Squad RPG


New Characters are a pivotal part of playing the game. Currently, there are many ways where you can obtain a new character. Here they are:


⦁    War Store

⦁    BGreek (Alpha, Beta, and Gama Raids)

⦁    Event Campaigns

⦁    The Milestones

⦁    Farming Campaign Nodes

⦁    Arena / Raid / Blitz Store


You can look up if a character is farmable by clicking on the find option after selecting them in the roster screen.


Play Blitz as Often as You Can:


Blitz is arguably the best game mode when it comes to rewards. It has the best rewards and allows you to purchase amazing characters from its store. The Blitz game mode also gives you a lot of gold for your troubles.


In the game mode, you take a squad into the fight to battle other squads. Winning gives you points, and if a character goes into a battle, they are on cooldown for 2 hours. If you wish to use them again, you need to use more blitz charges.


Your winning multiplier keeps increasing as you climb more tiers. You can get to the highest tier and keep winning to get more points. This gets quite hard over time.


It would help if you tried to get your modifier as high as you can then switch to a team that you know will win at higher ranks, i.e., your best roster. This should let you get the most points at any given moment.


Raid as Soon as Possible:


Raids are one of the essential parts of the game as they provide you with many resources that help in leveling up your Character's abilities. You should go for an AIM Team if you are a beginner and use them. Generally, getting an AIM Researcher, Assault, and Security alongside a Graiviton should be enough for Raids' early level.


How to get better at MARVEL Strike Force – Squad RPG


Join Arenas and Fight:


The arena is the only way you can get Power cores in MARVEL Strikeforce – Squad RPG. Some characters in this game that have AoE attacks like Venom and Iron-Man work exceptionally well here.


An Arena Match is kind of like a ladder match. It would help if you aimed for the number one position to get the most rewards. You can attack people who are climbing, and people can attack you.


You should continuously switch your characters from offense and defense so that your team is efficient and meets your needs.


Do not Focus your entire Resources on one Character:


Focusing your resources on one Character might seem smart, a power-house hero who will carry your team to victory. However, as a beginner player, you might not know that this rarely works.


Firstly, scaling a hero to a point where they can scale is quite hard as the resource demand keeps increasing exponentially. Moreover, as you get better at the game, you will realize that no one character can carry your team entirely.


Therefore, you should never thin your resources and try spending evenly on upgrades on each Character to ensure that you do not turn into a one-trick pony at any point in the game.


Join an Alliance as Quickly as Possible:


Joining an Alliance is an integral part of the game. Without it, you will not be able to specific Alliance only missions, which are quite crucial to the game's pacing. Also, it generally gets much harder to progress without these missions as they provide you with a large number of resources.


Moreover, joining an alliance, especially an active one, will let you interact with players who are of a much higher level. They can provide you with gear and valuable insights that should boost your level while also providing you with equipment that you generally will not be able to get for a long time.


How to get better at MARVEL Strike Force – Squad RPG


An Alliance will also let you join Arenas as a team and Blitz matches too. It would help if you had a higher chance of winning those particular matches again as the synergy with two team members should always be higher than you trying to carry yourself alone.




MARVEL Strike Force - RPG is quite an exciting game. It allows you to play as your favorite iconic superhero adds a layer of fun into the game that no other game provides. What's more, you can also download LDPlayer to play MARVEL Strike Force on PC.


Moreover, with this fun, the game also provides the player with a large amount of excitement and action-packed gameplay that differentiates it from any other RPG of the same genre.


It would help if you always focused on playing your daily game modes, especially Arena in Blitz. If you successfully win most of the game modes' matches, you should quickly get to the top of the leaderboards in no time!

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