Fairy Tale Forces Unite All class guide and their Skills


Hey. It's time for the news of the new game released for Android in December 2020. The wait for this game is already ended. Now players. Get ready to download Fairy Tale Forces Unite on the play store and the app store. Fairy tale Forces Unite will be presented to you with a plot of loveable manga series anime and is initially published by the Kodansha and the Garena. 


Fairy Tale Forces Unite All class guide and their Skills


You are now free to take your favourite anime characters alive in the gameplay, and your imagination of yours will not be so far with fairy tale Forces Unite. Enjoy the freedom to create characters and create a story that goes with your perceptions, not with the original story. Play with characters like Natsu Dragneel, Gray Fullbuster, and so on to enjoy the gameplay with your maximum pleasure.


Choose to be one of seven of the fairy tale characters in the original series. And be prepared to select one class from nine different magicians. Choose either Force, Snow, Elixir, Alphabet, Guardian, Velocity, Requip, Soundwave, or the cure. It doesn't matter; you will always be powerful with all of these classes' skills and benefits. 


Before you go with the gameplay of Fairy Tale Forces Unite, you must be practised with the knowledge of all the classes and their skills. Because that is what makes it easy to get into the gameplay and have success, so let's look at all the classes and their respective skills.




Alphabet wizard will be one who can manipulate through enemies and is capable of sealing the enemies into one place. Alphabet wizard can use mana words, and those words can affect badly for the enemies' movements. So eventually, that skill leads enemies to sleep, rest, or to confuse. So basically, this class can be known as one that has a high capability of controlling enemies.


Fairy Tale Forces Unite All class guide and their Skills


When we take the characters, Shuna and Nico are the ones who can be Alphabet wizards, and choosing them to be in this class is helpful for you to have a healthy type of control. But remember, Alphabet wizards are relatively weak in attacking but also a control supporter. 


This class uses Forever Silence as a control skill in the gameplay and can aim enemies within three rounds of silence. This will lead this class to avoid spell skills, special skills, normal attacking, and using items of enemies. Although Alphabet wizard is less in the attack, he can be generous with your team's controlling skills.




Elixir is the healer in Fairy Tale Forces Unite. He is fully responsible for giving a full recovery to his teammates during the damage. These wizards can also resist wear, resurrection, and support attacking to increase the physical attacks. Not only that, Elixir wizards are highly capable of speeding up the teammates.


Fairy Tale Forces Unite All class guide and their Skills


The class elixir uses a potion for the recovery process and uses an inner sight potion to attack moving enemies. Dena and Tia are the characters that can be selected to be Elixir wizards, and healing, reviving, and multiple buff performance will be useful with the class Elixir. Elixir wizards are more excellent in recovery while being weak for the damage dealing.




Sleet wizards belong to the AOE magic attacking and can be used to increase the magic attack by using Arcane. This class is capable of removing enemy buffs and significant in AOE attacks in advance.


Fairy Tale Forces Unite All class guide and their Skills


Schoene and Nico will be the characters to choose in Sleet wizards, and this is the class that can deal with powerful magic attacks from enemies. And while dealing with these magic damages, Sleet wizards are making their enemies week by removing the buffs.




Requip wizards are the class of significant physical damage, and they are influential in AOE. This class has several battle standings and is capable of changing their weapons according to the various skills in the battles. 


Fairy Tale Forces Unite All class guide and their Skills


The characters known as Dina and keneally are the ones who can choose to be a Requip wizard, and remember that this class has only a limited type of attacking for single targets. So he is weak in the execution of the aiming targets.




Velocity Wizard is known to be an attacker and a supporter in fairy Tale Forces Unite. As this class can convert the velocity, he is changing his speed to boost or slow modes in every skill attack. Whether Velocity wizards are in boost or slow modes, he can take several effects so that he can adjust to the instant changes in the ongoing battles. 


Fairy Tale Forces Unite All class guide and their Skills


You can choose Crimson or Sheila to be a Velocity wizard, and it will be beneficial for you to go through gameplay. Velocity wizards have different kinds of effects and are full of abilities to control disables and restoring the HPs. So that players can support their teammates in need. 


Cure Wizard


If you are looking for long-lasting recovery, this class is the one for you. Cure wizards are like a healer supporter, and he is not likely to a one like Elixir. Cure wizards are maintaining continuous recovery progress to the teammates and lead to give cover shields.


Fairy Tale Forces Unite All class guide and their Skills


Some buffs will be provided with the cure wizard, and those are for the magic boost and the magic resistance. Magic resistance is dedicated to the teammates of the cure wizard.


Crimson and Keneally will be the ones who get the cure wizard class and know that this class is providing buffs for its teams. Those buffs will be helpful to become unique among other groups. But remember, cure wizards, are slightly low with the damage-dealing ability. 




Guardian wizards are made for fighting and defending. He is doing the job of protecting teammates and fight back against the enemies. He processes a massive type of magic defence system with him and deals with more significant physical damage. Guardian wizards are opening the guardian shields for teammates in the battles. 


Fairy Tale Forces Unite All class guide and their Skills


This class is becoming special because it is transferring all the damage his teammates get to himself. So the guardian is sacrificing his health to his teammates to give a stable battle to the opposite effect. Crimson and Nico will get to be a guardian wizard, and this class will be a definite kind of back up for his teammates throughout the battle.


Force Wizard 


Force wizards are physical types of bursting attackers. They are using a maximum power to deal with an attack for one target in the enemies. Force wizards have got the powers of explosion and responsible for giving a massive attack for enemies in a short period.


Fairy Tale Forces Unite All class guide and their Skills


The characters named Yui and Sheila will be the ones who can be a class of Force wizards. Please make a note in your mind that force wizards are comparatively less in their control. But at the same time, they become the ones who will be the strongest to give a physical attack to enemies.




Soundwave wizards are the class dedicated to AOE magic attacks. They mark the enemies and uses sound waves as a medium for their attacks, and this sound wave will create a continuing splash and a different type of damage to enemy targets. Soundwave wizards are building one-time f bursting to the deterioration of AOE.


Fairy Tale Forces Unite All class guide and their Skills


Yui and Tia will be the characters for soundwave wizards, and this class will apply the status of sound waves to attack enemies with severe damage.




Choosing a class between all of these nine classes will always be difficult. But they are so powerful to the gameplay of Fairy Tale Forces Unite and identify their unique types of skills in respectively. The right kind of abilities in these classes will be an excellent ladder for victory in the game.


So refer to these all classes carefully and witness their all kind of most potent abilities in fairy Tale Forces Unite. 

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