Epic Seven 4th Anniversary Guide - Who to Pick for The 5* Selector


Concluding its real life RTA tournament and coincides with the Fullmetal Alchemist Collaboration, Epic Seven is holding special campaigns to celebrate its 4th Anniversary - special buff Events for Gold, EXP and AP, special Check in Event, up to 100 FREE PULLS, and finally, a 5* SELECTOR Ticket.

In this guide, we will go over the details of the 4th Anniversary Event and advises players on the top 4 characters they should pick for the 5* Selector Ticket.


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Epic Seven 4th Ezeran Foundation Day Celebration Campaign

In celebration of the 4th Ezeran Foundation Day or the 4th Anniversary of Epic Seven, several special events and campaigns will be held from September 1st to September 29th to commemorate this special occasion as well as thanking all players for supporting the game for over 4 entire years.

These special campaigns include: The Special 15 days Check-in event, The Special Buffs Campaign, The special daily free 10 covenant summons and The Special Crafting Event.

4th Ezeran Foundation Celebration Check-in Event

From September 1st till September 29th, for all players above rank 24, when logging into the game for 15 days in total, all players will receive a myriad of rewards ranging from valuable gacha currencies like Mystic Bookmarks, Golden Transmit Stone to character upgrading materials and stamina boosting items like Liefs, Gold, Catalysts. In addition, 2 special 4th Anniversary exclusive gift will be available for all players to claims - The 4* Celebratory Artifact Prelude to a New Era and the Special 5* Selector.

To claim the Special 5* Selector, players should be sure to log into the game for 15 days during this celebratory period and reach rank 24 to claim this gift.

100 Free Covenant Summons Campaign

Another special celebratory campaign during the 4th Anniversary celebration is that for 10 days during the event, all players will receive 10 free summoning opportunities per day, up to 100 free covenant summons during the event period.

Make sure to log into the event period everyday during the event period to claim all 100 free summonings, if you miss logging 1 day, you will lose 10 free summoning opportunities of that day.

Also keep in mind that this only applies to Covenant Summons, meaning you won’t be guaranteed any 5* Hero from this as the Covenant Summons doesn’t have a 5* Hero pity system, so its will all depends on your own luck during these free summoning sessions.

Special Buff Celebratory Buffs Event

During the celebratory period, special buffs will be available for all players for a limited time, these buffs boost the Gold, EXP, Hunt, Runes, And AP input of all players accounts for a set period during the campaign. So if you want to take advantage of a specific buff to boost your team’s power or to accumulate game currencies, this is the best time to do so.

The available period of each buff is different depending on the server time, so please take note of the time table in the picture to follow the time for each specific buff time for each server that you play.

Athena Crafting Event

The final celebratory event is a minor one, but is one that will help many players, both old and new to gain a piece of equipment with godly stat of their choosing by farming the stages and using Stamina during the Event period.

Athena’s Crafting Event will allow players to exchange Stamina points spent during the event period to craft 1 piece of equipment of their choosing, completely customizable from the type of equipment it is, the set it will be, the main stats, and sub stats. If players are lucky during the crafting period, this piece of equipment will prove to be an extremely powerful one for their account.

Top 4 Characters to Pick From The 5* Selector

With the Special 5* Selector being available for all players this anniversary, the following characters are the characters that we recommend players to choose in the 5* Selector if players haven’t had them yet as these characters are extremely powerful and will prove useful for players progress in both PvE and PvP contents.

Do take note that players should wait and use up all 10 days of free Covenant Summons from the 100 Covenant Summons Campaign before using the Ticket to maximize the potential for a new character added to the roster.

4. Violet

Once the god of both PvE and PvP, Violet is a 5* Earth element Assassin class Hero with the ability to dodge and counter enemies attacks and heal himself, making him extremely powerful and hard to kill in all contents.

Violet’s kit revolves around his 1st skill and 2nd passive, which allow him to dodge enemies attacks and counterattack everytime he dodges, helping him deal massive amounts of damage to enemies without having to take his own turn.

However, due to the abundance of new characters built to counter Violet by decreasing Hero Dodge chance and Increasing Hero Hit chance against enemies, Violet has become a very hard and uncomfortable Hero to be used in PvP. That being said, for PvP contents and early Arena rank, Violet is still the king and will help players immensely if you so choose him for the 5* selector ticket.

3. Flan

A entirely PvP oriented pick, Flan is a 5* Ice Elemental Ranger type character with the ability to inflict a wide variety of debuffs on enemies in addition to granting the team massive damage buff to defeat all enemies in 1 turn.

Flan’s entire appeal lies on her Skill 3 which inflicts 3 debuffs on the enemy and (when soul burn) grants her 1 additional turn which she can then use her 2nd skill to grant a teammate attack up and critical damage up buff, allowing the ally to sweep the enemy team in 1 move.

What makes Flan a good pick for the 5* Selector is solely due to her special utility in PvP contents and the fact that she requires little to no investment to use effectively.

2. Politis

Another PvP oriented pick that help hinders the enemy team’s movement and strategy, Politis is a 5* Fire Mage Hero with the ability to passively decrease the enemy Combat Readiness Increase effects and hinder the enemy team’s strategy.

Politis’ power is triggered when the enemy team uses a non-attacking skill, triggering her Skill 2 passive, making her deal AOE damage to the entire enemy team and stunning them, preventing from moving of using skill, allowing for her allies to take the initiative and finishes the enemy team first in a PvP setting.

Politis is an excellent pick for the 5* Selector as she is rarely rated up in the game and is one of the best PvP characters one can have, even on higher Arena and RTA ranks.

1. Tamarinne

The undisputed best healer in all contents in the game, Tammarine is a 5* Fire Soul Weaver with the ability to switch between forms and grants the entire team massive damage buffs and Combat Readiness.

Tammarine skills allow her to heal the entire team in her normal form, and increase the entire team’s attack potential and combat readiness by a massive 50% when in her Idol Form, making her an extremely powerful soul weaver to use in both PvP and PvE contents. If players haven’t gotten Tammarine in the game yet, she is undoubtedly the best pick for the 5* Selector for her utility and powerful kit for both PvE and PvP contents.

LDPlayer 9.0 - The Optimized Engine to Start Epic Seven

LDplayer 9.0 is the most stable emulator that allows you to run Epic Seven on your PC with little to no lag. It allows you to run the game smoothly, at high speed and high quality, and provides many amazing functions to help to have a perfect experience, especially for newer players aiming to join in the 4th Anniversary Celebration.

For newer players that intend to join the game thanks to the collaboration, it is recommended that you utilize LDPlayer’s multi-instances function to reroll and have the perfect head start in the game.


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