PayZakat Description
PayZakat is a technological decision for people who are ready to help those who need support. Our common goal is to support those who are in trouble and help them start a new life. PayZakat is your personal assistant and a consultant in the collection, distribution and monitoring of mandatory and voluntary payments for those who need your support. Through the PayZakat platform, you and only you decide whom to help.The recipients of charity are scrutinized and the funds are distributed through secure payment channels.PayZakat guarantees complete security and transparency of your payment. On the PayZakat platform you can:
Calculate the amount of Zakat;
Choose your own fund or project;
Pay Zakat or Sadaqah to one or more charity projects;
Transfer a donation from anywhere in the world;
Get advice from our experts;
See a report on the results of your help
Calculate the amount of Zakat;
Choose your own fund or project;
Pay Zakat or Sadaqah to one or more charity projects;
Transfer a donation from anywhere in the world;
Get advice from our experts;
See a report on the results of your help
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