AntacMax Description
AntacMax provides information data of various simulated stocks. You can click to view the latest prices and price fluctuations, and learn how to use the mobile application.
Mainly includes the following functions
Various stock data: On the homepage of the application, there is popular simulated stock market information
Position function: On the position page, you can view the transaction history of the current account
Contract function: On the contract page, you can see a list of all the stocks in the application
In the personal center, you can change the password, simulate recharge and withdrawal, etc.
Mainly includes the following functions
Various stock data: On the homepage of the application, there is popular simulated stock market information
Position function: On the position page, you can view the transaction history of the current account
Contract function: On the contract page, you can see a list of all the stocks in the application
In the personal center, you can change the password, simulate recharge and withdrawal, etc.
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