Smash Legends Complete Tier List For 2021 | Detailed Overview


Smash Legends is an online top-down brawler game developed by LINE Games. While there are not many legends in the game, they still have tons of variety, with each having extremely different skills and talents. As such, we’ve compiled a comprehensive tier list that helps you decide what you should be playing in the current meta for May 2021.

If you haven't already, you can look at our Definitive Beginners guide to get started at the game!


Complete Smash Legends Tier List:


The Tier List below is compiled from opinions provided with the help of professional players. As such, you can expect these results to be fairly accurate. We’ve provided you with insight into why a legend is at a particular tier alongside different descriptions for both Duel / Battle Royale and 3v3 Dominion / TDM since they are wildly different.


If there’s a buff that changes the meta, we’ll be updating this post accordingly. Plus, if you haven’t already, you can download Smash Legends for free on LDPlayer.




Smash Legends Complete Tier List For 2021 | Detailed Overview



Duel and Battle Royale: A

3v3 Dominion / TDM: S


Alice is extremely good at crowd control, area control, very good zoning potential, and can lock up an enemy. If you are new at the game and get her for free, you might feel like she’s not a good legend. However, as you get better at the game, she provides your team with a lot of versatility due to her insane crowd control. And her aerial combo and attack combo is insanely good, and her ultimate is perhaps one of the best in the entire game because you can AoE stun a bunch of enemies at once. Plus, her ability Hidden Power is good when her skill and ultimate are at cool down.


In 3v3, she’s an S tier because her stuns from both her land mine and her ultimate can stop other ultimates. She can do many good things because she’s an extremely good support t character who has quite good offensive potential.



Duel and Battle Royale: S

3v3 Dominion / TDM: B


One of the best characters in the game. But, a lot of people like her for the wrong reasons. One of the reasons she is well-liked is because she can easily spam her spells. But, as soon as you get into higher ranked lobbies, you’ll find people who can easily dodge your skills by stepping to the left or right. In our opinion, she’s an S tier if you know how to play her when you use her combos and understand when to use her combos, especially when dealing with height and distance with her jumps.


In 3v3, she's in the B tier because she's not that good at 3v3'ing. After all, she's mainly used for Zoning since her damage isn't that good. Plus, as soon as you get miss one skill, you will get punished extremely quickly.


Ducky and Swan:

Duel and Battle Royale: D

3v3 Dominion / TDM: D


One of the worst characters in the game. You have to charge your ultimate thrice before you can change into your ultimate form, and with your ultimate form, not even being that good means the Legend isn't that good. In ducky form, the Legend deals almost deal 0 damage, and in your ultimate form, it is very easy to fight you since people can run around in circles around you.


The character goes in the D tier in 3v3 because when you have Ducky in your team, the Duck has to charge his ultimate before he can even enter battle. So, if he does enter into battle into Duck form, he's going to be so low that when he enters Swan, he'll be one-shot anyways.



Duel and Battle Royale: D

3v3 Dominion / TDM: S


Hook is an extremely strong legend who can stun-lock enemies. However, when you get into a pro duel in the game, most players will easily dodge your attacks since it is really hard to pre-aim in Smash Legends with Hook. However, if you are a beginner player, people might not know how to dodge your attacks, making her feel good. But, when you are at a higher tier, you won’t be that good.


However, in 3v3, though, you'll be doing tons of damage, and since you will have two teammates who can help defend you, the character belongs in the S tier.



Duel and Battle Royale: B

3v3 Dominion / TDM: D


Kaiser is an extremely slow, predictable legend. However, when he does hit you, he can send you to the moon flying. The character has gotten buffed recently and has been getting better over time. However, he still belongs in the D Tier since there are much better legends you can opt for, especially in Duels.


For 3v3, he belongs in the D tier since the only thing you are good at is stunning enemies, and since your cooldown is so high and easy to dodge, you don’t have a lot of impact in 3v3.


Master Cat:


Smash Legends Complete Tier List For 2021 | Detailed Overview



Duel and Battle Royale: A

3v3 Dominion / TDM: A


Master Cat is an extremely powerful legend for Duels and Battle Royale because he has really good mobility, damage and charges his ultimate quickly. Plus, all four of his abilities are charged up relatively quickly. Master Cat can also dodge quite easily since his recovery time is very low, and his attack range is very long. So, you can put out some good combos while you can also counter most legends.


In 3v3, he can get his ultimate quick and can knock them all out. Plus, his long-range for Zoning is extremely good.



Duel and Battle Royale: B

3v3 Dominion / TDM: A


Peter is perhaps the average Joe of the game. He isn’t the best at anything but has respectable skills and abilities. His biggest caveat, however, is the fact that his animation times are extremely predictable.


For 3v3, you can expect Peter to be in the A / S Tier because his kit is just really good at knocking people out, especially his ultimate, which charges up extremely quickly.



Duel and Battle Royale: A

3v3 Dominion / TDM: A


Ravi is not that easy to use. However, if you do end up learning him, he gets really strong but has a very high skill curve. If you get hit by any of his skills, you take tons of damage.


For 3v3, he’s somewhere close to Peter because both Legends are ultimate oriented. His skills, however, are okay since they can knock you pretty far. His ultimate is extremely strong too.



Duel and Battle Royale: S

3v3 Dominion / TDM: A


Red is just an extremely strong overpowered Legend. Her recent nerf barely did anything to her. The fact that her normal attack string is so strong means that even noobs can beat up pros if they are caught off-guard.


For 3v3, she's in the A tier with Cindy because if you know how to counter her, you can easily stop her attacks from behind when you see her attacking your teammates.


Witch Queen:


Smash Legends Complete Tier List For 2021 | Detailed Overview



Duel and Battle Royale: C

3v3 Dominion / TDM: S


Perhaps the biggest troll in the game. It can turn people into frogs, debuff jumps, and be a nuisance. She’s more like Hook in the game since she has tons of defensive abilities. However, since she can’t hit below her, she can easily be countered since the enemy can just come right at you.


In 3v3, she’s an S tier just because she’s perhaps the best support in the game. If you can debuff the entire enemy team with the slow and jump debuff, your team will be running easily. And the fact that you can frog them all if they get close means that she is quite broken in the game mode.


LDPlayer Features For Smash Legends:


Smash Legends Complete Tier List For 2021 | Detailed Overview


LDPlayer is the best Emulator Out there for Smash Legends. The team is hard at providing players with the best experience for brawler games like Smash Legends and Brawl Stars. As such, you can expect the game to support LDPlayer’s keyboard mapping feature, which lets you simulate each tap with a physical click of your keyboard.


Trying to hit combos on some of these characters can be extremely difficult. Therefore, the Emulator supports Macros which lets you simulate multiple keyboard presses with just one bind.




By following this comprehensive tier list for Smash Legends, you should easily destroy your opponents since you will have quite a good idea about counter picking. However, do note that each Legend still requires immense amounts of practice which you must do to utilize each character to their maximum potential.

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