Genshin Impact Elements Guide - Electro


With the upcoming return of Yae Miko and Childe for the 2nd banners patch for 3.2 Update and the increasing relevance of the element in the meta of the game, this is a very good time to show players how the Electro element works, how they could improve their Electro-centric teams and what are the best characters currently in the game for the Electro element.


In this guide, we will show players how they can best use the Electro element in the game, what teams are the most relevant for the Electro element in the current meta and what the best characters of the element players should pull/use.


How to Play - Electro

Top Electro Characters to Use/Pull For

LDPlayer 9.0 - The Optimal Emulator to Play Genshin Impact on PC

For this series of guide, you can check out for the following articles for guides on the other elements:

- Dendro

- Hydro



Let’s play Genshin Impact on PC and find out together.

How to Play - Electro

The Electro element is one of the game’s 7 major elements and one of the initial 6 elements that was introduced in the first launch of the game. 

The Electro Element is one of the game’s primary damage dealing elements in addition to being a very versatile element that relies on manipulating E and Q skills cooldown timing.


The primary stat that the Electro Element provides and relies on is Energy Recharge. The element itself excels at manipulating the cooldown time of skills in order to deal damage in addition to regaining energy for the entire team in order to spam their ultimates.

Elemental Reactions

Electro has a total of 4 major Elemental Reactions, these are: Overload (Electro + Pyro) , Superconduct (Electro + Cryo), Electro-charged (Hydro + Electro) and Spread (Electro + Dendro).

Overload is a reaction that occurs when Electro comes into contact with Pyro, causing a massive explosion and dealing damage to enemies surrounding the target. This is a very challenging reaction to utilize for the Electro element, as players will find it almost impossible to use it effectively in addition to also being flinched by the explosion this reaction may cause.

Superconduct is a very niche reaction to be used by players. When coming into contact with Cryo, Electro will trigger the Superconduct effect on the enemies, debuffing and making them take more physical damage for the duration of superconduct. This reaction is extremely beneficial for players who play with physical DPS characters.

Electro-charged is one of Electro signature reactions as it deals constant damage to enemies in a wide area. However, the damage this reaction deals is not that high and is not widely utilized.

Finally, Spread is Electro’s newest reaction together with Dendro, which is its more powerful reaction to date with its ability to enhance Electro and Dendro damage output, making it a suitable reaction for Electro DPS.

How Should You Play Electro

In the game, Electro is one of the elements that excels both as an offensive and a supporting element, it can deal massive damage in certain teams in addition to supplying the entire team with energy to quickly regain their ultimate skills. There are a total of 2 main types of Electro teams that is good in the current meta -

Electro-charged and Spread Team:

- Electro-charged team: 1 Anemo + 2 Electro (Preferably Beidou) + 1 Hydro (Preferably Yelan or Xingqiu)

Electro-charged team is Electro’s signature team with its ability to deal damage bouncing between different enemies and staggering them. Its application is quite widespread and is often used in abyss for cycles that require Electro teams. This team requires the help of certain specific characters and is enhanced further if all of the characters requirements are met - 1 anemo for crowd control, Beidou for her Burst, Xinqiu/Yelan for enabling and an Electro dps for damage.


- Spread team: 1 Dendro + 2 Electro + 1 Hydro\

The Spread team is essentially the same as the Electro-charged team, replacing Anemo with Dendro in order to proc the Spread reaction and enhances the Dendro and Electro damage output of the main Electro DPS.


Electro characters should focus on their Energy Recharge and Critical stats ( Critical Chance and critical damage). For Spread team electro characters, Elemental Mastery is also a stat that needs to be considered.

Some notable Electro artifact sets commonly used are: Thunder’s Fury and the new Gilded Dream.

Top Electro Characters to Use/Pull For

No.5 Kujou Sara

Kujou Sara is an Electro bow user that specializes in buffing the team’s overall damage output proportional to her base attack stat.

She is an extremely valuable asset to electro centric teams, especially if you have her at C6 as she will further buff Electro damage once she reaches her C6.

No.4 Yae Miko

Yae Miko is a 5* Electro Catalyst User that is famous for her appearance and her charm as a character. Her abilities allow her to deal multiple instances of Electro damage to 1 enemy simultaneously, effectively rendering them dead.

Yae Miko has some problems with her kit, however. For once, Yae Miko’s totems from her skills have weird targeting, making it hard for her to mainly target 1 enemy. In addition, her normal and charge attacks are quite hard to use, making her lower on this list than some of the other characters.

No.3 Cyno

The brand new Electro main DPS of the Sumeru region, Cyno is a 5* Polearm Wielding character of the Electro element. His kit specializes in entering this ultimate state, then spamming his E skill to kill all enemies over a wide area of effect.

Cyno is an extremely powerful Electro main Dps, capable of carrying the entire team by himself. However, his lack of defensive abilities makes him harder to use by newer players, preventing them from utilizing Cyno’s full potential.

No.2 Fischl

The special 4* Electro bow User that is used by many in every contents, princess Fischl is an extremely valuable asset for any Electro eccentric teams. Fischl kit allows her to summon her familiar - Oz on the field and deal electro damage in conjunction with the on field characters.

Her kit allows her to target the same enemy as the on field characters, helping to apply the Electro element on the enemy to initiate elemental reactions.

No.1 Raiden Shogun

The Electro Archon herself, Raiden Shogun is the peak of the Electro element and is the strongest member of the element.

Raiden Shogun’s entire kit and power signifies the ultimate capabilities of the Electro element’s offensive and buffing abilities. Her ultimate is one of the game most used skills and her ability to deal massive amounts of damage in addition to essentially filling all allies' ultimate skill gauge to full is the reason she is currently one of the best and most used characters in the entire game’s meta.

LDPlayer 9.0 - The Optimal Emulator to Play Genshin Impact on PC

Unlike other emulators, LDPlayer 9.0 stands out as an emulator with the capability to play Genshin Impact on the highest possible Graphics and FPS settings for the game, making the gaming experience of exploring the vast open world of Genshin Impact on PC much more smooth and easier to do on LDplayer.

In addition, unlike the PC Client where the control scheme for the game is fixed, LDPlayers’ key binding and keyboard mapping function allows players to easily bind the game’s control to their preference and heart’s content, making the game easier and much faster for all players to enjoy on PC.

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