Dead by Daylight: How to become a better Survivor?


If you want to play the top horror game full of spooky stuff, then Dead by Daylight should be the first pick.


Dead by Daylight: How to become a better Survivor?


Dead by Daylight is an asymmetrical PvP game, which just means that the teams aren't even. In Dead by Daylight, one killer faces off against four survivors in a battle to the death. You will all start on a map that will have two exit gates. Both of the exit gates will be powered down at the start. Generator spawn across the map, and survivors must power these back up to get the exit gates open.


The killer's job is to put them on hooks and prevent them from escaping brutally. You can play with some of your favorite horror film villains like Michael Myers, Freddy Krueger, Amanda Young, etc. Today, I will give you a proper game guide for Survivors in Dead by Daylight to give you an idea of basics. So, without further ado, let's get started.




Let's talk about survivors in Dead by Daylight. As mentioned above that as a survivor, you are a team of four real players, and you need to work together to survive. Usually, the survivors that play selfishly lose more points in the end than any other player. Playing selfishly can cause you to lose more games than you can imagine. So, to survive the killer, you must work together as a team.


There will be a total of seven generators on the map. You will have to fully repair five of them to power the escape/exit gates. You can easily spot the generators by looking for light bulbs that hang above them on most maps, but you will see blinking chandeliers inside the house if you are on a house map.


Repair the generators by holding your action button on the generator. However, keep an eye on the skill check that will periodically appear on the screen. The skill check will be proceeded by a warning sound. Hitting the small white section on the skill check will give you great success and boost your progress.


Dead by Daylight: How to become a better Survivor?


The gray area on the skill check is a simple good check. However, missing the skill check will result in a fail. Failing at skill check will revert the generator's progress and alert the killer of your location. At that point, it's likely for the killer to check the generator, so leave the generator and get back to your teammates or hide somewhere.


You will enter into a terror radius as the killer will get close to you. Horror music and a heartbeat will start to play in your ears, which makes the game a bit more intense at that point. The closer the killer is, the intense the music will be, so watch out for the music to locate the killer.


First-person and Third-person perspective:


Remember this, the killer is playing from a first-person perspective, and you are playing in a third-person perspective, which gives you an advantage over the killer. Crouch in grass patches and hide behind walls and use your camera to watch the killer approach from behind the wall.


Also, keep your camera on the killer as long as possible to watch its movements. If the killer goes to wrap around an obstacle, you might want to react to the situation properly by going the opposite way.




Look for Multi-colored pallets as you can use them to slow the killer or throw pallets to stun them.


Dead by Daylight: How to become a better Survivor?


Types of Vaults:


If you have played games like Dead by Daylight before then, you must know the three different ways to vault over a window. Slow Vault, Medium Vault, and Fast Vault.


Slow vault comes when waling and hitting the vault at an angle. A medium vault is when you are running, but you don't hit the angle quite right while vaulting. A fast vault is what you should go for when you are in a chase, and this comes when you are running and perfectly lined up with the vault and press the button once.


In the fast vault, you slide across the vault without touching your feet. However, keep in mind that the medium and fast vaults will notify the killer of your location and are considered a fast movement.




Killer use totems for various effects. You can randomly find it on maps. The unlit totems are known as Dull totems, and if you ever see one lit up, then it is a hex totem. If, in any case, you see a lit totem, you must cleanse it to remove the casted hex by the killer.


For example, if your skill checks on generators are red, this means the killer is using a very common hex "Ruin." Then, you will have to find the lit totem and cleanse it to get rid of the debuff.


If the "Ruin" hex is up during the skill check, then the effects will be like this:


The perfect skill check (white) will simply continue the progress of the generator, the good skill check (Gray) will regress the generator's progress, and fail will still be counted as a fail during "Ruin" hex. However, when you hit well on skill check while the "Ruin" hex is in play, it will not notify your location to the killer.


Dead by Daylight: How to become a better Survivor?


Extra Points:


The game is not all about winning; it is more about winning and getting more points along the way. The survivor's true goal is to show sportsmanship behavior by gaining extra points throughout the game before the trial is over.


Instead of repairing generators and escaping by yourself, you will have to look for opportunities to rescue your hooked teammates or heal wounded allies.


Everything you do in this game provides points, but rescuing teammates provide better points, and it should be one of the top extra points priorities in the game if you can manage it. Also, do not get caught while trying to be a hero at the wrong time.


Exit Gates:


Once you have repaired five generators, both of the exit gates will power up by the generators, but you will have to open the gates by using the switch outside of gates, and it takes time to open a gate. You can easily spot exit gates as they are on the map's edges with their large frame and huge metal door.


Once the gates are opened, simply walk out to escape the trial. However, if the generators aren't finished, a hatch will open. The hatch will only open when one survivor is left out of four. The hatch makes an ambient humming sound so you can find it that way and escape.


Dead by Daylight: How to become a better Survivor?


Bonus Tip:


If you ever get downed into the dying state as a survivor, always recover your HP. You can actually get your HP all the way up to 98% so that someone can just walk by and tap you once and instantly get you up. It will take your teammates a lot of time to get you up if you won't recover your HP, and the chances are you that the killer will catch both of you.




The above-given guide is an in-depth look into survivors in Dead by Daylight and what you will need to do as a survivor. What to avoid and what to prioritize is also mentioned in the guide. This Survivor guide can increase your winning rate as it's all about winning, but it does matter how you win.


The game is a 4v1, so your chances of winning are already higher, but most players play selfishly and cause trouble for the other teammates, so avoid that. The game is about teamwork; the better and stronger connection between teammates can bring a lot more victories than before. Play this spooky game wisely with your friends and family and watch out for the killer as he will not rest until he gets all of you.

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