Arknights Gavial The Great Chief Returns event will rerun on July


Arknights is a mobile game developed by a Chinese company named Studio Montagne and Hypergryph. It is a tower-based defense game released in 2019. You will encounter several characters or operators in different towers, and they will have different physical outlooks. Furthermore, you have to unlock more stages, resources, and operators when you are progressing in the game. With all these features, Arknights is one of the most anticipated games in the world.


Arknights Gavial The Great Chief Returns event will rerun on July


Today, we will talk about the return of Gavial, the great chief, to the game. As we all know, the societal background in Arknights is far different from contemporary society, and the traditional orthodox has broken unexpectedly. Now, let us explore all the details of this event.




The Arknights event, the re-run of the Gavial the chief, was scheduled to start at the end of July. During the event, you have to clear and unlock from level one to ten. At the same time, when the players clear the event stages, missions, and event shops, they can get event currency and rewards. You encounter two separate parts named The great chief's path and Gavial's footprint in this event.


New enemies in the event


In this re-run event, you have to fight with several enemies. They possess several unique skills. Let's see what they are.


  • Tiakawu shaman can increase the defense when it is blocked and deal with melee physical damages.
  • Tiakawu warrior – he can damage only when the defending operator is blocked, and he will reduce the defense of him and the blocker.
  • Tiakawu destroyer – he can make several attacks and destroy mushroom or stump tiles. However, it will make them challenging to deploy.


New grid type


Like the previous return of Gavial the chief, in this re-run also, there will be a new type of grid. It is named the Mushroom grid. It can grant DEF to the adjacent operators. When it clear Rhodes island's temporary employees, it changes into a stump tile for a range of operators, and they will not be able to get the defense bonus. You can get event operator Tomini and mechanical parts when you finish the Ancient warrior challenge of Tribe.


The Brave's trial


Parallel to the re-run of Gavial the great chief, the Brave's trial will happen. During the event, players can get event rewards with exclusive event furniture by completing the mission. The event-exclusive table is the Warchief's Throne. In addition, as the primary event rewards, the players can obtain Tomimi, the event furniture of Tribal Inn, and event currency.


Inam committee


Like the previous event, this also will happen during the main event. In this event, players can get mechanical parts from different event stages and missions. They can redeem it for rewards also. The primary tips in this mission are a Trust token by Tomimi, Tribal in event furniture, LMD, Battle records, Headhunting permits, and high-tier materials. These event stories will add to the public affairs at the end of the event.


New headhunting banner


You will see a new headhunting banner in this event, including the heart of steel and the rage Ironhide. This event is a standard headhunting recruitment event. During the event, the below-mentioned operators will have an enhanced rate during the event recruitment.


  • You will encounter a six-star rate up in the duelist operator named Eunectes.
  • You will encounter a five-stat rate up in the brawler guard named Flint and AoE Sniper named Meteorite.
  • You will encounter a four-star rate up in the Close-Range Sniper named Aciddrop.


When you are going to pull these star operators, there will be an enhanced chance of appearing as follows, and the banners of the operators will not add distinction shop's operators. So, you also can test out your lucky banner.


  • When you pull a six-star operator, there will be a 50% chance of appearing.
  • When you pull a five-star operator, there will be a 50% chance of appearing.
  • When you pull a four-star operator, there will be a 20% chance of appearing.


New operators


With the event, you will see several permanently added operators as the standard headhunting operators. During the event, the new operators can obtain the additional trust from the stages of the event. Following characters will add.


  • Six-star heroine Eunectes
  • Five-star heroine Flint
  • Four-star heroine Aciddrop
  • Five-star heroine Tomimi will be available at the end of the re-run event of Gavial the great chief. You can’t take her for now.


Arknights best operator to choose from can be viewed from here.


New series of skins


The event skin is named the Coral Coast, and it will be available to purchase for a limited period once the event starts. The collection of Coral Coast is as follows.


  • The Coral Coast collection named Seeker SKm01 Silverash will cost 18 OP.
  • The Coral Coast collection named Summer Flowers FA333 Ceobe will cost 18 OP.
  • The Coral Coast collection named Seeker SK03 Croissant will cost 15 OP.


Apart from that, there will be a Coral Coast skin series of re-run also. During that sales period, the following items will be there with a limited quantities.


  • The Coral Coast collection named Sunburn SS.SpIfrit will cost 15 OP.
  • The Coral Coast collection named Summer Flowers FA361 Sora will cost 15 OP.
  • The Coral Coast collection named Casual Vacation HD01 Vigna will cost 18 OP.


The theme of new furniture


As mentioned above, Tribal Inn is modified with a new theme of furniture. The event will also be launch with the above mentioned main event at the end of July. You can obtain the furniture from the event stage, shop, and mission rewards at the furniture shop. The actual character for this will be 5000, and it will cost 2,415 per furniture parts or 12 for Originate prime.


New game modes


There will be a new game model with the consolidated strategies of Ceobe'sFungimist. The event will also start at July end. So, during the event, players can get Delicious Honey biscuits during the Ceobe'sFungimist as the rewards for unlocking the stages. You have to clear level three to eight and event stages RI one. Once the event stops forcibly,


The following new game model is the Fulldrive mode description. Here, players have to unlock and clear all the line-up inventories at the beginning. After that, players can experience this mode in every aspect. After that, you have to clear levels three to eight.


Honey Biscuit castle


In this event, players can get rewards from the Delicious Honey Biscuits milestones and reward ladder. As the primary rewards, you can get LMD, Shop vouchers, high-end materials, and battle records.


Arknights Gavial The Great Chief Returns event will rerun on July


Event medals and achievements


When you are playing the game, you can obtain the following medals for successful completion. The translation credit is Procrastinat#4400. There are few categories as follows.


  • Gold medals – the name of this medal is Gift of the high priest, and you can get nine awards in this event.
  • Silver medal – you can get a sightseeing medal and Berserker medal by completing RI-8 with three stars. Zumama's Affirmation can contact by completing all the levels in the Brave's trial, and Gavial's appreciation medals can get by completing all the stages in Gavial's footprints.
  • Bronze medal – you can obtain Mushroom fanatic's model by clearing 100 giant mushrooms in the event, Tomimi's respect to get the operator Tomimi.  Spending 4000 of mechanical parts in the committee of Inam to get the collection of Inam, memorial medal of Acahuallaby clearing the levels in the path of great chief's, and medal of Tribal warrior by finishing RI-EX with a rate of three stars.


Want to know how to earn the best heroes within simple steps? Checkout the Arknights Reroll Guide.


Arknights Gavial The Great Chief Returns event will rerun on July




The Arknights event, the re-run of the Gavial the great chief, was scheduled to start at the end of July. The event will be exciting for you all with the reintroduction of several events in a new face. You can obtain endless rewards by competing in this event. So, you all can refresh your memories with Gavial, the great chief, by participating in this event.

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