Game Guides

Rappelz Universe Guide and Review with Everything You Need to Know

Rappelz Universe is an MMORPG that comes with the P2E concept, and the gameplay will be a medieval fantasy.


Tower And Swords Beginner Guide with Tips for A Pro Gameplay

Tower And Swords is a role-playing game where you have to bring your character through different floors in different towers killing various powerful monsters.


Call of Dragons Tier List of Heroes for All the Beginners - March 2024

The Call of Dragons tier list can be categorized according to the hero factions, their race, role, as well as their assigned tasks for the game and choosing one powerful unit means you are going to make it to a top performance.


Call of Dragons Tips and Tricks to Turn Your Gameplay into Pro

Call of Dragons is a massively multiplayer online fantasy game where you are given many duties to perform, such as battling with enemies, uplifting the city in all aspects etc. Therefore having some tips can be a significant help.


Call of Dragons Beginner Guide with Best Gameplay Walkthrough for All Players

The Call of Dragons guide, including the gameplay walkthrough and the basic guidelines, is very helpful for all the beginner players like you who are willing to play the game but don't know what to do.


GODDESS OF VICTORY: NIKKE Tier 0 Character List for All New Players

GODDESS OF VICTORY: NIKKE tier 0 characters will be ranked according to their burst types, making it a lot easier for a player to handle their characters.


Beginner's Guide for Isekai Village with Best Tips for Your Own Village

Isekai Village is a town-management/adventure game with text-based storytelling. A solid grasp of the game's options will likely help newcomers avoid common pitfalls.


Paradigm: Reboot Guide and Gameplay Walkthrough for all Beginners

Paradigm: Reboot's intuitive UI and creative gameplay redefine music rhythm games, and beginners of this game may benefit from a setup explanation and some tips.


Homerun Challenge Newbie Guide and Tips for a Fast Fight

Homerun Challenge is a game that is very attractive enough to catch the players' hearts at first glance, and it comes with both free-to-play and play-to-earn concepts, which you can earn money too.


AngelKnights: Idle RPG Beginner Guide with Tips to Rescue the World

AngelKnights: Idle RPG is a game with many idle battles, but even if the battles are idle, as you play it, you should learn how to power up your characters according to the stages.
