Game Guides

Guardian Tales x Dragon Quest The Adventure of Dai Part 1 - Everything To Know

Guardian Tales x Dragon Quest The Adventure of Dai Part 1 has already begun, and there are many rewards and things to be earned from various contents.


Brown Dust II - Closed beta First Impression, Game Content & Gacha Rates

The Closed beta for the upcoming mobile RPG Brown Dust II is finally here, with great Story chapters for this Brave Nine/Brown Dust Second Chapter! Will this new game become a great RPG title? Maybe!


CarX Street Tips for Making it the Best Race Ever

CarX Street is a racing game with many challenges, and having the best tips is the key to making yourself successful from the gameplay to the top.


Eversoul Petra – Everything You Need to Know for the Best Tank

Eversoul Petra is a defender and is considered the best tank so far because she is the favorite among the players.


How to Make a Perfect Progression in Eversoul – Ascension Guide

The Eversoul ascension system is working as a way to make your ordinary characters evolve into more powerful ones, and this will also allow you to reach for better progress.


Eversoul Artifacts Guide for All New Players

Eversoul artifacts play a major role in your progress and increase the combat power in the game, and these are not that easier to take either.


Fate/Grand Order Sabers War II Rerun Event Guide

This guide aims to explain the details of Fate/Grand Order brand new rerun event Sabers Wars II and advise players on how they can obtain the most amount of rewards from the event.


Eversoul All Systems Explained for all New Players

You have to interact with three systems in Eversoul, and each of them will allow players to do different things with different goals.


Brown Dust 2 Tier List of Characters to Take into Your Journey

Brown Dust 2 tier list will be included with different characters coming from different roles, and their purpose in the gameplay will also be different.


Eversoul Tips and the Best Tricks for Having a Rich Gameplay Achieved

Eversoul is a game that has just launched, and going through the battles and each of the scenarios in this game will not be much easier if you are still a beginner.
