PUBG: New State - A guide to vehicle system of the game


Krafton has recently released their newest title, the sequel to the original PUBG, with many improvements. New stuff has been added to the PUBG: New State, including weapons, vehicles, etc. The original title already has many to choose from, but these new additions will increase the fun. Not just that, new maps have also been added, and the game takes place sometime in the future. So comparing it to PUBG, you will experience many new things. 


Now for new and old players, knowing what the new things are added will be extremely necessary because these will directly affect your gameplay experience. Hence this guide will help you understand all the new aspects added to the game, especially vehicles.


Types of vehicles available in the game

A game like this with a brand new map will require vehicles to move around. Some new types of vehicles have been added and differ in all aspects. The types of vehicles introduced are:


Gasoline Vehicles

This type of vehicle runs on fuel which will need refueling after a certain time/kilometers. You can find fuel canisters randomly on the map and remember to carry them just in case you run out of fuel in a crucial situation. There are various Gasoline type vehicles available in the game:


1. Vrion


This is technically a jeep that can carry multiple people. A Vrion is very helpful when you have a squad and want to kill enemies on the move. This vehicle is well built with an armored body, and also it doesn't consume much fuel; hence you can travel long distances. Due to its heavy armor, destroying this vehicle with weapons is quite difficult.


PUBG New State Vrion


2. Vulture


It's a bike on steroids. A two-wheeler ergonomic makes it very handy. Two players can travel on it. The only issue is you will be vulnerable to attacks as there is no protection. Also, the Vulture is quite unstable, and the turning is also quite hard. Evading heated situations sometimes becomes very difficult, and you will get caught in the crossfire between other players. In terms of fuel efficiency, being a bike, you can travel quite a long distance but with the sacrifice of protection.


PUBG New State Vulture


Electric Vehicle

Everything in the real world is also becoming electric; this game has some unique EV concepts to explore. The electric vehicles in the game are quite extraordinary in speed and durability. These types of electric vehicles in the game are as follows:


1. Nova


It's the rarest electric vehicle in the game as it doesn't spawn that often. It's also the fastest car in the game, which is very helpful for traveling from one place to another on the map. This car can always be found in the 'Exhibit hall.'


PUBG New State Nova


2. EV-AX


All of us might already know about the buggy in PUBG. EV-AX is also a buggy but electric. It's the second-fastest vehicle in the game, but you have protection from all sides; hence evading enemies becomes very easy, and also, the buggy is an offroading vehicle.


PUBG New State EV-AX


3. Volta 


It's the third-fastest car in the game and one of the most durable vehicles. It's quite reliable in terms of speed, with a max speed of 128km/h. Also, the car doesn't make much noise hence helpful in entering an areal stealthily.


PUBG New State Volta


4. Lightning


It's an electric bike with a top speed of 140km/hr. This makes it ideal for cruising through the map. The only disadvantage is that it's quite unstable in off-road terrain, and you might find yourself falling from the bike quite often, plus you are vulnerable to enemy firing.


PUBG New State Lightening


New features added to vehicles

PUBG: New State brings a new concept to vehicles wherein you can store items in the vehicles' Trunk. This was not present in the original game, and you could only carry items in your bag. This feature is quite handy as you can carry a lot more items than before. But this comes with a disadvantage as well. If you lose your vehicle under any circumstance, such as if it got destroyed or stolen, you would lose all your items present in the Trunk. So use this feature at your own risk and only store some extra items in the Trunk and not valuable items.



The new stuff added to the game is refreshing compared to the original game. There is a lot more variety and refinement on an overall basis. The new vehicles and features added to the game will help players enjoy the game to the fullest.


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