Poppy Rope Game Beginner's Guide for Getting Started



Poppy Rope Game is an action game by Zego Game Publishing. If I had to give it a one-word-verdict, I would've said that it was 'Interesting.' The game seems to be an offline version of 'Fornite or PUBG' with entering via plane in a 'Grand Theft Auto' themed crime city. You will already have some decent money at the beginning of the game. 


The main protagonist's name is 'Poppy.' The game offers a big open world map with many possibilities. The game's protagonist can eliminate the enemies, save the city from its crime, or freely roam around the city in its GTA Mode (More about that in the later paragraphs). The game has a lot of references from the other games, movies, and characters. The game's soundtrack is subtle and doesn't distract you from focus.


Poppy Rope Gameplay


How to Play?

Poppy Rope is a kind of an open-world game, where your characters can move around anywhere in this futuristic city. This city seems to have tons of crimes, as the protagonist gets attacked every 5 seconds. You can move around the city, which is bigger than the above image. The Poppy character can explore the wide city in the open world mode, using the joystick key, or can use the vehicles provided in the game; he can move slow or fast using the Joystick. 


Poppy Rope Mobile Game


There is a shoe-icon, the jump key, just above the Joystick, indicating that the character can also jump from time to time. As soon as the character goes near a vehicle, an interaction button will pop up, indicating the user can access the key and use the vehicle to roam around the city and eliminate the enemies from the crimes. As seen in the image on the left, the user has several options to drive the vehicle. 


Poppy Rope Controls Game


In the given image, the character is seen driving a yellow taxi, with two pedal options given for the user to help in driving the vehicle. The bigger pedal icon on the right is the accelerator, which helps the vehicle move forward, while the smaller pedal key on the left is brakes. They help slow down a moving vehicle or help the vehicle reverse while in a standing state. 


On the left side of the screen, the game provides the 'Left' and 'Right' keys to steer the vehicle as per your choice. The steering sensitivity of the game is very subtle. It makes the game look slightly realistic. Not forget to mention the sound provided while driving the vehicle, the sound of the engine, and the burning of tires while making a hard turn makes you forget every mission and enjoy the drive while exploring the beautiful futuristic city. 


Along with the pedal keys, a camera key allows you to explore driving on the big map from different camera angles. The camera angles include:

  • The First-person view.
  • Bonnet view.
  • Tyre view.
  • The standard vehicle view (As shown in the above image).


While exploring the city, you can collect in-game coins. These are seven keys using which you can save its character and can kill the enemies. There is a kame-hame-ha key, using which Poppy throws an energy blast similar to Goku's version from the Dragon Ball franchise. I liked how they added a voice whenever the character used that power. It makes the game more authentic.


Poppy Rope Game Controls


Then there is a 'KICK' key, which I didn't like, as it kills only a small % of the enemy's health and it isn't quite effective. Next was the 'WEB' key (A possible reference from Spider-Man), using which the user can web the enemies from a far distance, and its character's health won't deteriorate. 


The character is blessed with multiple superpowers. One of my favorites was the 'Smash' key, using which the character jumps and, from what it looked like, absorbs the power from the surroundings and smashes the ground eliminating all the employees surrounding the 'Poppy' character.


And the last key, which I used a lot while playing the game, was the 'BEAM' key, using which the character could shoot a laser beam from its eyes (a possible reference from Superman). You need to remember the only thing - keep an eye on the laser bar (The Yellow-colored bar shown in the above image). The user can use this key as long as the Poppy character has sufficient energy; after that, it takes a couple of seconds to recharge itself.


Gameplay Modes


Poppy Rope Gameplay Modes


The game has two modes (as of now), the Missions mode, as shown in the above screenshot. And the next is the 'GTA' mode or, as I call it, the 'Open World' mode. There are a couple of missions in which the character needs to achieve certain targets and win in-game cash rewards in the missions mode. With each passing mission, the game starts offering more and more and more. 


While playing the missions mode, it is easier to understand the map than to explore it yourself via GTA mode. Using the cash rewards, the user can purchase different avatars of the Poppy character. Each character comes with special abilities, who have a stronger hold on power than other avatars. 



The game offers a daily reward system to regular users. Sometimes, the rewards are in-game cash rewards, while on the other hand, if you are a constant and a regular gamer, your daily patience may reward you with a big surprise reward, a free gift avatar. Someone who has potentially higher abilities and control over the powers. There are other possibilities to unlock certain avatars or earn more in-game cash rewards. Such as by going online and watching Ad videos, you can double your earnings. 


Poppy Rope Game Rewards



Poppy Rope is an open-world RPG game based in a fictional crime city. The main protagonist is 'The Flying Poppy Rope' who's mission is to eliminate crime from this city. The game consists of Mission-to-Mission mode and an open world mode. You can explore the city with unlimited time in the open world mode, using any vehicle. The game offers the user to fight crime using several superpowers against tons of enemies. It is a fantasy-based superhero action game with a lot to offer.

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