Huge Early Game Mistakes in Heroes War: Counterattack


War Heroes: Counterattack is a newly released card-based role-playing game with new and unique mercenaries, which you can obtain through the gacha system.


Huge Early Game Mistakes in Heroes War: Counterattack


The overall game favors free-to-play players and provides a lot of free stuff, helping you with your progression. You can also build your team and play with your family and friends. What more is the feature to create your guild and recruit players from all over the world to compete against other guilds.


Many players make mistakes in new games, and it's normal, but do you know the early game mistake haunts you throughout the game. There's a high chance that mistakes you made in the early game are the reason you are lagging behind or why you can't seem to surpass most players even when you are putting so much time and effort into the game.


Today, we will look at common yet crucial mistakes made by new players in Heroes War: Counterattack and how to avoid them. So, without further ado, let's get started.




Resources are quite important in every game; for example, Neostones in Heroes War: Counterattack. What most players do is unnecessary purpose without knowing the importance of them. Especially Neostones; they are like your premium-free resource in Heroes War: Counterattack.


Neostones are useful in super boosting your mercenaries. Super boosting takes place once your character/mercenary is over level 40. However, to super-boost your mercenary, you will need Ranger Core and Neostones. So, make sure to farm these resources and do not waste them on other things.


The second resource tip is related to the shop. It would help you a lot if you can stop yourself from overspending in the game or buying contracts from the shop all the time. It is okay to go for contracts at the beginning, but as you progress further in the game, it will start eating up your Neostones.


If you don't have Neostones, you can't super boost your mercenary. If you can't super boost your mercenary, you can't progress further in the game. So, basically, making a huge early game mistake with resources can ultimately destroy all of your past and future progress.


Crafting in Heroes War:


Huge Early Game Mistakes in Heroes War: Counterattack


Crafting is so common in games these days, which allows you to craft multiple items. Those items provide you buffs and boost in your mercenary's stats. The main thing to focus on in Craft is leveling up your Factory, Laboratory, Refinery, and Station to level four, and you must do it as soon as possible.


Level four craft buildings allow you to craft the highest capable things like Tanker Core, Ranger Core, Supporter Core, etc. It also provides you to craft these Cores and other items into something more special using Convertor Stone; however, it will not be available in the game's early stages. So, make sure to focus on high-end stuff instead of low-level and upgrade your Craft Buildings as soon as possible.


Farming/Grinding Exp:


Farming/Grinding Exp is where a lot of players make a mistake. To grind Exp, you have two options Story Mode and Trace Specimen. In both of them, your goal must be to farm Trace Specimen for exp and runes. But to do that, you will need your mercenary to be at least level 37.


Farming exp is straight forward, and you know where to farm, but the thing is you have to prefer one of two options because farming isn't all about exp. It's also about the other resources and benefits you get while resourcing. For example, if you go into Story Mode Level 11, you will notice the rewards, which also provide you equipment, exp, materials, etc.


Upgrade System:


Upgrade system is where you should focus from the start. The upgrade is where most of the extra buffs come from, including attack, defense, etc. If you go into Upgrade, you will see a Mercenaries Power-up, which can only be level up from inside the Upgrade System.


Mercenaries Power-up should be level 50, and you must do it as soon as possible because this is what makes a difference in the long run. Want to dominate your opponents in the early and late game, then this is where you can get buffs from - Mercenaries Power-Up provides Attack, Defense, HP, and Battle Exp.


To level up Mercenaries Power-up, you have to level up your mercenaries even if you don't want to use them. Leveling up mercenaries will provide you Upgrade Points, which you will need to Level up Mercenaries Power-up.


Huge Early Game Mistakes in Heroes War: Counterattack


Use your Card Efficiently:


Almost nine out of ten players don't use their cards most of the time, but when they use them, they forget about the maximum value. When it comes down to using your cards, you want to make sure you are getting the maximized value out of them before using them for disassembly.


The reason behind all of the maximizing cards is that every single time you maximize or fully level up a card to level 20, it will give you a token, including Rare Token, SR Token, SSR Token, etc. Didn't know about that? Well, now you know it. Level 20 is when you should use your card for Fusion, Disassembling, or Card Promoting.


You can get a maximum of two tokens from each card: One is by leveling them to level 20, and the other one is when you use them for Fusion or Disassembling. This is how you maximize the value of your cards in Heroes War: Counterattack.


If we talk about the whole process, you might find that it requires a bit more time than a normal fusion, but if you look at the end result, you will be happy to see more rewards for your efforts. So, make sure to maximize your cards' value by leveling them to level 20 before Fusion or Disassembling.


Card Research:


The slots in card research should never be empty. No matter what you have to do, always keep them busy because this is where all the magic will happen in the future. This is an extra exp grind that goes to your cards.


As we talked about how to maximize your Cards' value, this can also help you level up your cards at a faster pace. So, when your cards are at 20, you will get a token depending on your cards' rarity.


Huge Early Game Mistakes in Heroes War: Counterattack


Card Research plays an important role, so don't ignore it; it might take time, but it's worth all the effort and time in the end.




The above-mentioned stuff is some of the stuff which can make an impact on your progress. All of those stuff defines how you approach the game and how you make faster progression, along with many other things. Outside of that stuff, you must put effort into completing dailies regularly.


Following the Upgrade System is going to be really huge because there are certain points where you will be stuck but do not worry, and to avoid that, you must focus on a certain thing per day. So, you need to make sure that you are not missing those things per day so you don't get stuck or fall behind more than most players in the game.

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